Linarejos Moreno (born 1974, Madrid) is an artist and researcher exploring the repercussions of science, technology, industry, productivity and capital in society. Her work explores the material hybridizations between painting and photography and their expansion from the two-dimensional plane to the surrounding social space, and her installations are characterized by the juxtaposition of photographic prints on monumental pictorial surfaces and industrial, scientific or economic objects. 


Linarejos Moreno received a BFA from Universidad Complutense de Madrid in 1998, a Master's in Interactive Digital Technologies in Communication from Universidad Complutense de Madrid in 1999, and in 2015 she was awarded a PhD in Fine Arts from Complutense University-Madrid. Moreno was a Fulbright Visiting Researcher in the Department of Art History at Rice University, and in 2012 she was an artist in residence at the International Studio and Curatorial Program (ISCP), New York. Moreno creates images and three dimensional works that are compressions of memory, absence, and social space, that extend back in time and out into the gallery. Architectural fragments - the exhumed strata of a vanishing history - are Moreno's primary subjects and inspiration. She reanimates these fragments through performances and installations, and the resulting images of modified spaces are a photographic blend of the documentary and the unearthly. Moreno lives and works in Madrid.