Charis Ammon: U n q u i e t

December 1 - 16, 2020
  • 'My work has a quiet anxiety or energetic stillness., While there is no action existing in the work, a tense... 'My work has a quiet anxiety or energetic stillness., While there is no action existing in the work, a tense... 'My work has a quiet anxiety or energetic stillness., While there is no action existing in the work, a tense...

    "My work has a quiet anxiety or energetic stillness.

    While there is no action existing in the work, a tense energy remains by something left behind"
  • Charis Ammon: Inheritance

    The Old Jail Art Center

    September 12, 2020 - January 30, 2021. 







  • Charis Ammon recognizes that she inherited a paved world.  In her acceptance of this world she strives to discern beauty in this "concrete quilt" of a constructed environment. Based on her observations, her intimate paintings serve as more than just documentation of cracked or upheaved concrete, piles of debris, and records of never-ending repair. 


    Patrick Kelly, OJAC Executive Director and Curator

     Press Release


  • 'the quilt pieces Are a soft blanket with an image of concrete. There’s a splicing of worlds there. Blankets evoke...



    "On my long bike rides, the concrete became many things while I passed construction sites, avoided pot holes, saw tent cities of homeless communities, but barely any pedestrians.

    Concrete started to become a privilege and a problem in my mind. I began considering the city as a concrete quilt, a blanketed area of earth". 















  • 'The works capture snapshots of a city


    "The works capture snapshots of a city

    Scenes that are familiar but not specific to a time or place" 

    Brandon Zech, Glasstire, April 14, 2018